Heritage Glass Products

  • Conservation Glass
  • Listed buildings glass surveys
  • In situ historic glass treatment
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Conservation Glass

We supply market leading conservation glass with a variety of depths from 2.5mm/3mm to 6mm/6.5mm to fit different glazing rebates.This glass is specifically designed for historic listed 18th and 19th century buildings.

The glass is made from historically accurate cylinder glass. Therefore replicating the original period glass and giving the correct look and tone for your historic property.

Our conservation glass has a special filter which enables an enhanced U value and allows significantly better heat retention for the building - with lower u values than other glass of similar depth on the market.

The unique thin section of the glass allows it to sit readily into the historic sash/period windows without affecting the rebate or the potential weight problem of heavier glass in the window.
Type A
Type A is ideal for sash and casement windows and fanlights. This is an ultra thin cylinder glass with filter ( 3.5 mm ave) U value 3.7
Type B
Type B is ideal for later sashes with deeper rebatesThis a thin cylinder glass with filter (5.5mm ave)U value x

Listed Building Glass Surveys

Conservation glass are able to survey and accurately date existing glass in situ and provide a detailed conservation report to demonstrate the age of the existing glass ( ie modern ) to enable the new historic glass to be fitted  and where appropriate for measures to be taken to existing original and historically important windows to enhance their u value and associated heat retention properties.  These reports are extremely helpful when in discussions with English Heritage and Local planning Conservation officers.
White London heritage building with conservation glass

In Situ Historic Glass Treatment

We have developed a process to enable existing historically important glass to have it’s U value enhanced without damaging the original glass.  This has been now done successfully at listed properties across the UK. The treatment is fully reversible and does no damage to the fabric which is a key consideration for Listed Planning Officers and English Heritage - whilst at the same time having a significant benefit for families living in these historically important buildings.
Cathedral stained glass window